Stop peau d'Orange jour & nuit
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Stop peau d'Orange jour & nuit

Stop peau d'Orange jour & nuit


Stop Orange Peel Day and Night by LPG Endermologie drains excess water and reduces cell size by burning fat. Smooth and firm skin in sight!

Orange peel, cellulite, dimpled skin... No matter what you call this disgrace on your body, none of them are grateful to you... So it's "natural", but still! You would like to eliminate this cellulite, especially with the summer coming. LPG Endermologie has developed two formulas to achieve this goal. Your body and skin react differently depending on the day and night. This is why the laboratory has worked on two formulas for a global action that fights all the factors of orange peel skin to act in synergy: 28 sticks of 3g (14 DAYS + 14 NIGHTS) DAY FORMULA: 1 stick per day, in the morning. Pour 150ml of water over 3g of powder and mix until completely dispersed. NIGHT FORMULA: 1 stick per day, in the evening. 3g of powder to melt on the tongue little by little.

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